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Sistine Chapel Ceiling WIP Wednesday Week 007: 02/01-07/2023

Week Stitches: 4472

Total Stitches: 22034

Week Time: 28:19:54

Total Time: 198:09:01

I got a lot done this week. I finally reached the 1% complete mark, and I got Mecha Frame fixed up. Now my frame, lights, tablet, and phone stands are all one piece. It makes my life so much easier, and I can stitch so much faster now that we fixed the tension. I got way more stitches done, in less time compared to last week.

All of the piece that I have completed thus far.

Close up of the area I'm currently working in. I'm not going lower than 120 stitches right now.

Mecha Frame, we attached the lights, added an aluminum bar with holes in it to hold my tablet and phone stands, attached at power strip, then fixed the tension by adding the electrical disk things, very technical I know, with a bungie cord.

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