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A cross stitch pattern of Vincent van Gough's Wheat Field with Cypresses.


The painting depicts golden fields of ripe wheat, a dark fastigiate Provençal cypress towering like a green obelisk to the right and lighter green olive trees in the middle distance, with hills and mountains visible behind, and white clouds swirling in an azure sky above. The first version (F717) was painted in late June or early July 1889, during a period of frantic painting and shortly after Van Gogh completed The Starry Night, at a time when he was fascinated by the cypress. It is likely to have been painted "en plein air", near the subject, when Van Gogh was able to leave the precincts of the asylum. Van Gogh regarded this work as one of his best summer paintings. In a letter to his brother, Theo, written on 2 July 1889, Vincent described the painting: "I have a canvas of cypresses with some ears of wheat, some poppies, a blue sky like a piece of Scotch plaid; the former painted with a thick impasto like the Monticelli's, and the wheat field in the sun, which represents the extreme heat, very thick too."



Wheat Field with Cypresses Vincent van Gogh (Cross Stitch Pattern)

  • Grid Area    300 x 168  =  16.7 x 9.3 in
    Palette    176
    Stitches    50400

    300 x 168  Stitches
    14 ct (54.4 x 30.5 cm) (21.4 x 12.0 in.)
    16 ct (47.6 x 26.7 cm) (18.8 x 10.5 in.)
    18 ct (42.3 x 23.7 cm) (16.7 x 9.3 in.)
    20 ct (38.1 x 21.3 cm) (15.0 x 8.4 in.)
    22 ct (34.6 x 19.4 cm) (13.6 x 7.6 in.)
    25 ct (30.5 x 17.1 cm) (12.0 x 6.7 in.)
    28 ct (27.2 x 15.2 cm) (10.7 x 6.0 in.)
    32 ct (23.8 x 13.3 cm) (9.4 x 5.2 in.)

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